Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?

Wondering why more people aren't into reel to reel if they're looking for the ultimate analog experience? I know title selection is limited and tapes are really expensive, but there are more good tapes available now than ever before.
People refer to a recording as having "master tape quality",  well you can actually hear that master tape sound through your own system and the point of entry to reel to reel is so much more affordable than getting into vinyl.  Thoughts? 

Doug Sax proved way back in the early-70’s that a direct-2-disk recording is superior to tape. Unfortunately, most music cannot and will not be recorded d-2-d. For a library of great sounding recordings, buy every d-2-d LP you can get your hands on.

Whether or not the music they contain is to your liking is a separate issue. If you don’t hate Bluegrass (come on all ya’ll Yankies, fess up ;-), look for the Sheffield LP Confederation by The McNeely, Levin, Skinner Band.

By the way, Levin is Geoff Levin, formerly of the mid-late 60’s San Jose group People. They had a hit single with a cover of The Zombies "I Love You", a song I as a teenager saw and heard People perform live many times. People also did "Jesus Is Just Alright", an old song later recorded by another San Jose group---The Doobie Brothers.

The original version of People dissolved when four of the six members (the four included Geoff) demanded everyone in the group join Scientology. The two lead singers---Larry Norman and Gene Mason, declined, and left the group. Norman became a well-known figure in the Jesus Freak movement of the 1970’s (ironic that he had earlier sung "JIJA", ay?), and Mason started a band named Radio. I was subsequently in a band with the guitarist/pianist of Radio.

There are a thousand stories to be told about the garage band scene of the 1960’s. This was one of them.

As for reel-to-reel, I have a number of tapes containing live music I recorded on a Revox A77 and a pair of small-capsule condenser mics. They sound far more lifelike than do most of my LP’s and CD’s, but Buddy Miller, Iris Dement, Rodney Crowell, and Lucinda Williams aren’t on those tapes.

A quick perusal on Discogs shows a number of RtR tapes from $40.00 up to $500. Ther are over 3000 tapes available for many genres/artists. Mostly 7" reel size.
New RtR tape will run you $45.00 to $60, depending on vendor/formulation/reel size. I had an old Teac A100 (if memory serves) which was pretty nice unit, till the playback head decided to go south. By that time (mid-80's) RtR decks were more an oddity then a mainstay media playback/creation piece. Still, the sight of two metal reels turning and sound coming out of the speakers was rather cool.
That is a rich mans format, everything about it is expensive. I have come across some great deals on the upper end tape decks and have had to walk away. I know how good they sound and they really are sexy machines but I'd rather save the money for other stuff.
That said, if a nice one landed in my lap and was in working condition, I might keep it for awhile just to admire it and play with it. I grew up with a nice Teac R2R a neighbor gave me and used to tape off the air programs. I loved it but eventually gave it to my brother the musician so he could lay guitar tracks down and combine them. Worked great for that.

So that was Doug Sax. Figures. Epic talent.

D2D is indeed awesome. I have a couple Sheffield, haven’t heard in a while, will be a treat to play tonight. Not a lot of selection. Only one I recall right now has the theme song for that TV show with the cop with the parrot. Yeah that’s how long its been since I played it.

If I could buy those $500 tapes for $100, I’d be all over this. Even though that’s way more than I’d pay for a record. I do own a B77 but no prerecorded tape so it’s not used much.