Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25

I am anxious to see what comes.

If your response includes the word "But" please restrain yourself.
I have the xa25 paired with a cj preamp! Great match as the xa25 has a sunny disposition. Keep in mind you need to have amp on for over two hrs before you hear all the juicy traits!🐵
RIAA, please clarify your position; are you simultaneously ridiculing an audio engineering company and two different US geographic regions? Why are you all butt hurt that others might actually enjoy Rogue gear? I sure hope you are just joking; if so please disregard this message; if not, well that’s just pretty sad all around bro. 
response to the earlier post. i was also considering pass xa25 (according to reviews it gives neutral tuby sound) but i think made a correct decision because this amp would not drive well my thiel cs6 speakers. i am very staisfied with megaschino so far. perhaps, the overall performance might further be improved by replacing the nuprime hpa 9 with one of the preamps from my list, though i have no idea of how much it might really be improved. pha 9 is not bad and the cost of the replacement would be very considerable. both, pass labs and conrad johnson recommend to leave their stuff on all the time, which i do not do in my current settings.