Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25

I am anxious to see what comes.

If your response includes the word "But" please restrain yourself.

Showing 14 responses by chorus

Thank you all for delving into the femto distortion/feedback/ gain/switching wave forms/harmonic orders.
I fear all this self-oscillation is causing me harmonic disorder.

Whether we do or do not go rogue doesn’t matter. I prefer commando.

As for static Pass labs displays at Axpona last April, I would like to propose
a suggestion for any company who brings equipment across
the country to allow visual examination only. Save some money and
tape up some fancy photos as that does not frustrate me as much.

There must have been a couple rooms using Pass gear at Axpona
but I can not recall a year back that well.

Let’s all book flights to Schaumburg in August now while ticket prices
are still low. I did!!!
The explanations provided by Ralph above are exactly what I have been
reading about and find so interesting. Being afflicted with both Tinnitus
and Hyperacusis along with a measured 10k max hearing level, I 
am very sensitive to harsh, forward, bright sound.  Over 85db is uncomfortable
and when overexposed I require some time to pass before I want to hear any music even at lower levels. So that is me. Everyone hears things differently
so judge not lest ye be judged. I pass my finding as they relate to me.

My goal for is for music to move me, involve me, engage me.
"Magic" is the best term  I think.

If  "Neutral" and "Accurate" are your goals, the Lejonklou house sound
may be your ticket. Fredrik has a special Nothing Extra method of building amps
that allows you to hear lyrics you only guessed at before. 

Sometimes I wonder if all the terminology in use today-soundstage, airy, open, dark, etc was developed in an effort to classify sound that was actually unmoving
thus required further examination?
If sound does something to your brain that feels great then enjoyment is achieved.

Agreed. Discussion fosters new insights and I welcome differing
viewpoints. Life would be very dull otherwise.

FYI-You may have heard but loss of sense of taste or smell
can be early Covid symptoms.Tequila will snuff it out though.

Stay Well!

My speakers are older Tannoy FSMs.
Sideways picture in my logo. Circa 1985-90.
Rated 94 sensitivity. Run at 4 ohm.

Room is midsized and treated well.

I am not sure if those three models
can be had used at my $5k budget.

Pretend we are on House Hunters.
Which one can we eliminate???
The Nagra can go as I buy no Swiss
products. Personal thing. Naim is a possible.
The Supernait gets good ink. Love to hear 
it in my system.


I started on the First Watt path. Then I saw an review of the Cheviots
in which both a SIT3 and an XA25 were used. He said the SQ jumped
very noticeably with the XA25. That's a pretty close comparison to
my system. Also the thing which got me interested in Class A was
after buying a used pair of Pass diy monoblocks. 7 wpc. They are not bad
for the $350 I spent. The F4's are certainly much better than the set
I have. I could save a bundle buying the diy pack if still offered. Problem
is at this stage I am more looking for SQ than a cheaper out. 
I have a limit of $5k for this. Thanks again the fine ideas.
Audioguy-Re the Sugden idea. I had the Masterclass IA 4 in the system last week as a test thinking it should be pretty good. Oddly it did nothing special for the sound. I was surprised. Just not a great match for some reason.
Cal- Re the First Watt F4s Monoblocks. I wonder if these worked best with your speakers as your speakers are a harder to drive and the F4s have more power than the XA25?

That is a goal worthy of IAS.
International Audiophile Society.

Anyone with other great ideas
please submit them.


Sometimes I think the XA25 sounded better than the INT. I never had the
two at the same time. The INT is still a very good product and I am happy with it. AVA has a new Mono Block amp that a buddy of mine
loves better than Pass with his ML CLXs. 
Touche Atma!  Well said sir!

RE the Spectral question. I heard them in May of 21. 
None better.

If your travels take you to Berkely, CA stop into Music Lovers
and have a listen. It will make your trip! 
Say hello to Hugh from me!