High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

Well that sounds as good as I could ever imagine, good explaination to me. 
True depending on draw from everything and surrounding houses i guess also has something to do with it. 
Like you and 68Pete stated patience is a virtue, something i fight with all the time. Thxs
Well it sounds better than day 4, but I can't put my finger on what has changed exactly. But its been in now 12 days, like I told Rick my system sounded good right now. Just wish i could figure what really changed, sounds cleaner, bass is good, tight. So it's a positive but maybe my hearing isn't as good as others on this forum. Lol

I'm happy with the MC.05 Helix, signature, so another 200+ more hrs to perfection. I can't wait but hoping I can hear the difference in the sound.  Thxs
You should be hearing a wider, deeper soundstage if your speakers are set up correctly. And the image should become more focused as break-in progresses.