Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player

I am not sold on my Oppo UDP-205 audio reproduction.  .  It plays all formats, but audio needs improvement.   Looking for audiophiles that have felt the same a bought a DAC..  Which one did you buy.  What works really well?
I have the Oppo BD 105 and I went with the Exogal Comet plus DAC and I must say I'm very happy with the improvements 
I had the local "Best Ear" over to advise me on an amp I was trying.
My source was the Oppo 205. His comment was " I think the source
is holding you back".  
I am unsure if it is the DAC or the Player itself. I plan to borrow a better
DAC and see if that does it.
Maybe someone else has experience here?
Thanks for the input.  I prefer a DAC over a Modwright upgrade.  A DAC is a natural fit, can easily be swapped out, would be easier to sell separately, as well as something that be used beyond the Oppo itself.  My budget is $ 3,000.  I was thinking to pick either iFi Audio Pro iDSD, Benchmark DAC3, MyTek Brooklyn DAC+, or a Lumin D2.   Thank you
Happy RME ADI-2 DAC FS user here. Upgraded from internal Bluesound Node 2i' DAC. Now playing Node 2i and my old CP player through the external DAC via digital cables. And balanced XLR interconnects from the DAC to good amp. I am not considering any further improvements :-)
curious why you are set on keeping the Oppo... for the price you could sell the Oppo for, and the money you are willing to spend on a DAC ...lots of listeners don’t like the Oppo for 2 channel music, either as an all in one player  or  as a transport