Best Preamp round $8000

Was looking at picking up either a used Mcintosh C1100 or a used AR Ref 6.
Being offered both around 8000. A audiogon member said I should start a thread about this because he felt that both preamps are overated and he owned both at 1 time. Would love members thoughts. Also on a completely different preamp I was being offered the ML 526 at $10,000. Thanks
I will second the VAC Renaissance V recommendation as worthwhile to consider in your investigations. Excellent musical reproduction (phono section is a nice option) and factory support even if you purchase preowned...
I recently bought a Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-33 preamp.  It certainly has the tube sound I was looking for and offers very straight forward feature set that is a pleasure to work with.  My system has never sounded so good.  Their power supply is excellent.  The volume control is superb.  Retail is $7K and is a value at that price.  Look into their line, it's really a wonderful brand with an excellent design concept, throughout. USA engineered and built.  And yes, it weighs a hefty 38 lb, which is considerable for a preamp.  The BAT build quality is excellent.  Just my opinion on all stated above, of course.
BAT tube preamps are my go-to. They have the classic tube sound, are made with the best components and easy to maintain. The companies owner always took my calls and answered emails to give me advice. If you are looking for solid state, Spectral is my choice.
I don't know anything about the PS Audio's Bascom  King Signature preamplifier.  But they do in home trial.  Might be worth a look.
note: I have met Paul McGowan and toured their facility.