Streaming Music through my home stereo

Ok, researching this streaming music thing is giving me a headache. I really know nothing about it. Right now I have my iPad connected to my Rogue Pharaoh integrated amp via a Y jack streaming Apple Music. It works, but I'm sure there's something better.
I've been a fan of Apple Music so I hate to change, but I keep hearing about Bluesound Node 2i. Is this piece compatible with Apple Music and if not what is? Is there something out there that I can control with my iPhone?

Thanks for the help...
The Node2i is airplay 2 compatible and the bluOS works on the iPhone but I don't think it can interface direct with apple music. Apple is working on their own end point. 
It appears Apple is pushing the Sonus Port on their site. Anyone have experience using this to stream Apple Music through their home system?
The simple solution would be to stream wirelessly via Bluetooth from the iPad to a Bluetooth receiver plugged into the Pharaoh using a stereo mini to dual RCA cable. That limits the quality of any files that are of higher resolution than MP3 or Apple Music's proprietary AAC format but if Apple Music is your primary source the quality should be quite acceptable.

Here are a couple of well-reviewed options at different prices. The Audioengine B1 has the advantage of using Bluetooth with APTX which should make a small but noticeable difference.