Any Good CD Recorder/Players?

I'm looking for a quality CD recorder that can also perform well as a CD player. I intend to use the recorder mostly for recording LP's and mixes.
I'm not looking for Class A (I'm not sure one even exists) rather a good deck which would fit with my Roksan Caspian Integrated, Music Hall MMF-5 and Epos M-12's. Anything?
OSSOROSSO-What is it that makes the roksan superior. what are the specs that you are looking for to make an educated decision on what to buy
You should check out the other threads on this subject in this forum. I have used the NAD C660 with great success for CD dubbing as well as recording from vinyl and other sources. It has 24 bit DAC's, HDCD, and also plays MP3. I cannot give you any comparison to other players but it is an excellent recorder and stand alone cd player. Good Luck,
Hi again - Sorry to be late getting back to you. I do think that the CD-RW4U might satisfy you as a primary CD player/recorder. Very little top end glare, realistic mids, and decent bass. It has proven itself more than the equal of quite a few more expensive players I've tried - actually embarrassing a few. My advice would be to pick one up and try it. It does a really nice job recording vinyl, and might give your Roksan a run for its money as a player in your setup. If it does, you could sell the Roksan. If it doesn't, you still have the Roksan. :-) By the way, the CD-RW4U is a half-size unit, doesn't take up much space, and can be used horizontally or vertically! If that's not enough, it comes with a USB interface and software so it can be used as a PC CD burner! It works with Macs and Windows PCs. Extremely versatile, truly surprising sound - and it's quite inexpensive. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.
Ditto the Tascam CDRW700 as botha recorder and player. Great machine, excellent sound. Produces Redbook CDs that play on all my players without fail.
Have anyone heard the Alexis Masterlink yet as CD Recorder/Player? I read a review by Micheal Fremer of
Stereophile which said that this was a excellent player/recorder. I am in the same boat as Ossorosso in that
I am looking for a player to record vinyl and I have read reviews that said that the Masterlink was excellent. I wonder how it compares with Tascam CD-RW4U.