Integrated tube amp with usb dac advice please

Hello, ive been a member for a long time and this is my first thread.  I am looking for some advice on a tube amp with onboard dac with usb in.  This will be my first trip into tubes.  So far ive looked at the caiyn and jolida.  The jolida will require a separate dac but looks like a good value.  Wanting to stay under 2k. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. DG
I would rather purchase the DAC separately from the preamp.
Considering how DAC technology is moving, buying an All-in-One, means you are stuck with possibly outdated tech-unless the manufacturer offers upgrades.
Thanks Bob... I agree with you.  Going that route also opens up many more possibilities. DG
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Yes, keeping the amp and DAC separate is a good idea. I've owned both Jolida and Cayin integrateds and both sound great, are well built and offer great value. The Cayin - A-50T MKII  at $1,600. plus a high quality, versatile DAC like the Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 at $400 would come in right at your budget. Of course, there are dozens of other possible combinations, I'm basing this recommendation on my experience of owning both.