Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
From What HiFi "Keeping Cables Off The Floor"...can someone elaborate on Why 'loose power socket connections'?  Thanks.

"Not convinced? Consider this: companies like Naim are incorporating looser power connectors in all of their standalone hi-fi components for this exact reason. These are designed to minimise unwanted vibrations before they get in to the product and cause mischief. Next time you head to your dealership and plug in some pricey hi-fi kit, when the power socket on the unit feels a little loose, it's not because it's shoddily made."

Above copied from What HiFi (Point 6. Keeping Cables Off The Floor):

In tweaky cases such as this, where I am too ignorant to scientifically determine emphatically one way or ’tother, yet it pseudo-scientifically seems maybe a legit possibility, if I can implement an inexpensive solution I’ll go for it. I found ceramic lamp sockets (round, approx. 1.5" tall) at Home Depot for $2.25 each. I removed the two wires and metal parts. Voila! Cheap-ass solution for ceramic wire risers. Did I hear a difference? Honestly, I didn’t do a double-blind test because it is such a cheap solution, so who cares?!
And No. 10 on the list from What HiFi is ... drum roll......

“So, how come a CD sounds better if you stop it and then press play, rather than playing it from pause? Because, dear readers, we can assure you they do.

We haven’t heard a definitive explanation. Nevertheless, in our experience doing things this way just sounds that bit better.”

>>>>What the ding dong!! I implore you, gentle readers, can that be true? If it Is true there’s gotta be a pop quiz.