The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!


dynaquest4414 posts12-16-2019 2:07pmaudiozen: Talking or debating with clearthink is like talking politics with the other party. No one changes their mind but everybody ends up pissed off. Clearthink clearly thinks there is always only one answer...his. To debate with him (or Geoff) is pointless.

Pretty much nailed it dynaquest4.
Some people confuse ignorance with enlightenment. I wish it was not as common as it is.

Strange, the person who wrote this does not appear to have any issues with the command of the English language .... well unless they did not write it?

1,014 posts01-19-2017 3:12pm

Again,with the kind permission of Bo, the group and the moderators kindly please allow me to expand a bit on TruFi, what it means for the world of music reproduction systems and how it will change the industry.

Kindly please remember that I am not not a spokesman for TruFi. I am a client of Bo’s and it has been proven to me and it has been proven to everyone that the world of music reproduction systems is shifting from one of widdley-tiddley voodoo to TruFi, which is recognized by all who hear it.

Bo does shootouts. Using properties identified under TruFi and measurement techniques, Bo can demonstrate a diversity in sound that no one else can deliver. He can do this because he alone has developed TruFi, the only means so far developed to allow music reproduction systems to show the true diversity of sound that only TruFi can deliver, so far.

Until now music reproduction systems have been built using information from paid for advertising and "reviews" and trial and error approach. This is why all music reproduction systems other than TruFi are 1D or 2D while TruFi systems are 3D. This has been proven many many times, so there’s no need to debate that here.

It is strange dynaquest4 how some people want to show their lack of knowledge. I guess I am just here to help them .. probably would have been smart for them to find out how I spent a good part of my career. Oh well.

Read this article again. It proves you still have it totally wrong about THD.

Figure 1 shows a 60 Hz sine wave under a resistive load. The voltage swings from positive to negative and the current (i ac) tracks it. This has a power factor of one. That means you don’t waste any power. 100% of the power you put in can be used for "work". There is also no noise / harmonics being fed back to the grid so it won’t pollute the power grid with noise.
Figure 6 shows how a linear power supply works. It is a non-linear load. The 60 Hz voltage still goes up and down but the current  (i ac) is drawn mostly at the peaks. This distorts the current and generates harmonics that are fed back into the grid (back to the plug).

Figure 7 Harmonics of current flowing into a linear power supply shows what the power looks like flowing in to the AC/DC converter. The harmonics you see were not in the original clean 60 Hz power supply but they were generated by the AC/DC converter and fed back to the grid polluting it. This caused a lot of distortion in the current and causes 280% THD. But (again) everything other than the 60 Hz signal is considered distortion and is not used for any work. The power factor for this AC/DC converter is only 0.33 showing the harmonics are just wasted power. Approximately 70% of the power you feed in is wasted and gets sent back to the grid as harmonics polluting the rest of your (and your neighbors) power.

If you have too many non linear loads on a grid this distortion can be a big problem to other electronics (look it up). One thing they can do is make transformers buzz and overheat. This distortion is what you want to filter out by using a power cord. Or even better a power conditioner that removes the harmonics and feeds your system a clean 60 Hz sine wave.

280% THD? That’s a lot of THD! 😩

Yes......that is why 70% of the AC power you put in is wasted by the AC/DC converter. But that does not mean you will have 280% distortion in your audio signal. The 33% converted into clean DC power that makes it out is what is used in the audio circuit.