Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok

Both of these beasts look like they could be that “forever purchase”. These are basically the newest offerings from both well respected companies and are within spitting distance of each other price wise  (without the Bartok headphone option installed). Anybody heard both and able to comment?
Interesting about the Dave. I have the Hugo 2 (along with the mentioned Mytek Manhattan II, dCS Rossini, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, and a Violectric DAC). To me, the dCS is by far the most natural. The Mytek overemphasis on highs becomes tiring. That said, I do find the Chord Hugo to really lack in resolution. It’s a nice, pleasant sound, but lacks the finesse of the dCS or Manhattan. (The Brooklyn being my least favorite, but still excellent). 
I can only speak to the Lumin.  I have owned the D1, A1and now the X1.  I ended up selling my Emm Lab Dac after getting the X1.  I had a Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 amp and SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  People who came to my house were amazed at the quality of my sound.  My whole music library is digital and I also used Tidal.  The ease and simplicity of the Lumin ap is what initially sold me on Lumin.  Each iteration I went to improved the sound dramatically.   
The best way I could describe the difference would be that the Lumin’s sounded more real and natural. Guitars, pianos, voices, etc... sounded more like they do in real life. As a result everything sounds less like a recording. I went in expecting the Bartok to be clearly superior, and I was also prejudiced against Sabre chip based DACs. The Bartok has a much better feature set, and will undoubtedly hold its value better, the Lumin’s just sounded better. 
The reviews of the Bartok and my experience would lead me to suggest you hear them. You’d be hard pressed to find a bad word written about the dCS.