Abbey Road 50th Anniversary

I’ve been listening to the 50th Anniversary of “Abbey Road” by The Beatles all morning....what fun!  The new mix is well done.  It’s warm and spacious.

I understand The Beatles albums are sacred for some.  I’ve enjoyed most of the remastered and reissued albums over the years.  This new “Abbey Road” release definitely sounds different, and after a few plays I put on the original pressing and the 2009 remastered version for comparison.  I prefer the cleaner, sweeter sonics of the newer versions.

I like the extra instrumentations, orchestrations and outtakes.  The new packaging and materials are wonderful.  The books, photos and sleeves are tastefully laid out with a high quality presentation.

What do you think of this iconic masterpiece?  What is your favorite pressing/version of “Abbey Road”?

“....and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make....”


I compared my three copies on the music thread last week and the MFSL was the loser.
Mine is still sitting in the "on-deck" bin. No time for listening the last couple of days. :(
I still have to pull the trigger for the CD/Blu Ray, which may happen this week.

I would love to hear some feedback back on the Blu Ray versions, both high res stereo and 5.1. Granted this medium may go the way of DVD-A but the remasters I do own are KILLER.

One being Led Zeppelin's How the West Was Won" and Love & Rockets first album, Seventh Dream of a Teenage Heaven...that one blew me away it's so good.
This became a great thread....I listened to the album again tonight as I was reading through it.  Excellent album and fun discussion.  Thank you!