The one tweak most Focals need ...

From a lot of work done analyzing Focals, if you have one, especially an older one, and want to improve the sound and maybe learn something, try upgrading the tweeter caps.

Usually this is 1 or 2 film caps in series with the tweet. I can recommend Mundorf MKP as well as Clarity CSA as being good improvements.

Of course, you probably wouldn't want to mess with your Utopias, but for the mid to low end, highly recommended.
Hey @auxinput

I so don't like Mundorf's top end caps at all, that's why I didn't suggest them, especially not with Focal's tweeter behavior.

Then of course there is the physical size ...
I guess if I could describe the Mundorf MKP by comparison to Focal/Solen it is darker but a lot smoother.

The EVO scintillates. Adds a lot of color saturation at the mid/top end which is just not natural to my ears. That + the way those inverted domes sound naturally makes it go the wrong way.
The Clarity is more smooth, and also not nearly as dark as the MKP. It _is_ a better cap in absolute terms than the MKP, but ... like the Batman, I like the darkness. :)
Almost anything is better than the stock Solen PPA 250V caps.
There is also the inductor used for the woofer.  The wire thickness of the series inductor is embarassing.  You can measure a whole 1Ohm DCR in some cases.
Hey @johnsonwu

I agree with you about the caps, but sometimes DCR in a coil is a good thing, as it can be part of a baffle step compensation.  Don't go reducing that without understanding the circuit.

Especially in shunts like Zobel or notch filters.



erik_squires.  How much do you think to rebuild a new cross over for a 3 way speakers home made 8" woofer, Vifa 1" silk dome tweeter, Audax 3" carbon fiber midrange. 25-25000 hz.  I want especialy more top end presence and definition, mid and bas are OK.  The present cross over is glued to the interior baffle, so I would need to complete rebuild it probably.  The cross over parts are not well known and never find the brand on internet.  Would it worth to change the tweeter ?