Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
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Audioman58, perhaps you didn't notice that this is a thread for discussion of a particular method, not promotion of one's favorite brand/products.
With respect to an alleged incompatibility issue between a DS cable and class D amplification, I suspect it only arises as a very rare exception for poorly designed class D amplifiers. The allegation is largely based upon the DS cables passing far more information in an extended frequency bandwidth that messes with the switching frequencies of certain class D amps, at least that is my take-away from numerous threads.
On the other hand, Teo Audio liquid metal fluid cables allegedly have a 1GHz+ frequency bandwidth, and I have heard no compatibility issues with using those cables with a class D amp. So I suspect many of the alleged concerns are unwarranted.

Just my two cents.
I have an all Ayre system that  is differentially balanced...phono to pre, pre to amp, cd to preamp.  I use Doug's  cable type made by Audio Sensibilities.   Better sound than my high priced silver.
@Doug Schroeder,

When you used the Audio Sensibility Impact SE splitters, did they have the directional arrow on the cable going from the single male RCA to the 2 female RCA’s? So that the arrow would be going the wrong direction on the splitters that are connecting to the second component? The sets I have are like this. They sound better used with Audioquest splitters with the AQ splitters being used on the second component and the AS splitters on the first.  When I used the AS splitters going between the same 2 components, the second splitter's direction was going the wrong way.

Just curious,