Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers

For years I had multiple models of Maggies and Martin Logan speakers. I could play them very loud with no problems with my ears. A few months ago I purchased the Rockport Aviors and now when I listen at moderate to high levels my ears start to hurt.  Anyone one else experience this when changing speakers and would like thoughts on how to resolve other than turning the volume down.  I do love the Rockport.
I can't suggest a reason, but I had a similar experience with a pair of Golden Ear 2s.  I finally had to give up on them.  I have owned many brands and sizes of speakers and played all volumes and kinds of music, but only the Golden Ears had this effect.  It seemed to be some high-frequency causing it, but similar ribbon tweeters in Martin Logans don't produce that effect. 
Today is day 5, of the ear drops. My ears have stopped itching and hearing is a bit better Still have my Avalons and they sound better too.

Was diagnosed with MS in Sept 2016 Thought that music would be the last thing that the disease would allow me to enjoy. It has taken so many other things already. Hope my hearing is not another one.
CBD oil for the skin, possible infection AND the MS.
our body has a endocannabinoid system (ECS). (wiki link)

It turns out that the CBD, is a good fit, depending on the given specific oil or plant cannibiniod mix. Each is different. try different ones to find the best fit for the individual issues.

Importantly, the ECS is involved in our homeostasis, the part that runs it and services it, it seems to be turning out.

When we take CBD oil, the CBD goes right to the area it is needed and no where else. It targets the place that needs it. It creates, augments, or steers (depending on your interpretation) the function in the body of repair and restoration, it brought is back into physical alignment or proper stasis.

Thus cysts, bumps, growths, skin issues, all of that tends to clear up, besides the getting rid of cancer, causing the cells to be properly found as wrong.... and made to die off. Seriously.

This is the part that big pharma does not want you to know. The dang stuff works. It seems to work on a list of about 2000 ailments. the homeostasis part can be seen as the precursor or the idea behind fighting or dealing with some ability to correct or repair in those 2000 plus ailments. Our bodies fight cancer naturally (all the time, this is going on) and a out of balance modern body is in no shape to fight cancer. Two thousand plus ailments and counting? Whoa. No wonder big pharma wants it dead dead dead.... That’s a lot of revenue. Most of it, actually (or likely).

But the addition of CBD and then the correction into proper homeostasis.. then goes on about the fight against cancer.. and .. then it happens. slowly, it happens. Same for MS and the like, re the reduction of symptoms. the results are not in yet and big pharma will fight it all the way with trillions of dollars of design, desire, and might.

I’m not in bad health, but do have the usual skin and body issues that a person begins to develop in older age (55). So little skin bumps, etc,and working toward the creation of the problems of older skin. I can see it trying to begin.

So I tried CBD oil, which I can get it by the ton in Canada. As our government was smart enough to kick the US industrial/military complex and big pharma in the balls as hard as possible, and get this legalized and in situ, before it could be stopped.

eg, via big pharma’s own covered up and hidden testing,. the lowest incidence of cancer in people, is in heavy weed smokers.

The CBD and THC are so effective, they overcome the tar and complex clemicals in the weed smoke, by far, and move it past damage... into repair and healing. To become the lowest case of cancers, even among the non smoking health conscious part of the population. You read that right. Zero jokes, zero exaggerations... just big pharmas own testing, which they covered up. And this scenario of a cover up...this burying of the tests and evidence.. is only now being found out...

It is now embedded so deep in Canada, already, that it will be hopefully impossible to stop (canadian federal election is looming),and hopefully roll over the US system of control like a freight train. One can only hope.

As the CBD oil is clearing up my body to a perfected system and in proper homeostasis..like they said it would. things like bumps, growths, cysts, skin flaps are all ’imperfections’. And the body is now eliminating them. Naturally. I’m taking very low levels and changing nothing else in my living and diet (single cause analysis), and it is already happening, visibly, all over my body. Makes me wonder what it is doing internally.

So CBD seems to be a general salve for aging itself, as we grow out of balance, as we age. As all of us do.

So, again, dig into it, and consider CBD oil. It’s all about the endocannibinoid system of the human body, and how it needs buffering and corrections as we age, or encounter issues.

The most recent up to date documentary, is "The God Plant", a quality British production from yr 2018. It can be found on the web. See it for the most recent scientific data..
It is all in the crossover, @soundsrealaudio

Any competent speaker designer could make any 2-way speaker sound bright.

I'm with Gadios and a couple others on this one.

To me... Maggies and Martins have a mellow/laid back sound.  Very inviting and relaxing.

I've never heard Rockports... but if they are as forward as B&W's... I can see why your ears might be hurting.  My ears can't handle B&W's for very long... before I get a headache.