RMAF 2019 PS Audio AN3 loudspeaker

Hello folks,

Since I am not able to personally attend the RMAF 2019 and listen to these new beauties I am asking around for opinions of people who where there and have had the opportunity to listen to them. Was it convincing this time or not?

How would you describe the charteristics of the speaker ? Was it warm, cold, edged, rendered softly, bright, neutral or how would you describe the sound?

The first series got a lot of critics and they should have been well heard.

Have they been tweaked since axpona? I would call them a work in progress, don't have my notes, but I would agree the sweet spot was really small. 
I would hope they tweaked them after Axpona. When heard then they did NOTHING for me....zero involvement. Imagining was poor, tonally way off. Hope they have changed drastically.
So in other words compared to older Infinitys such as Kappa 9's, IRS Gammas, IRS Bettas, RS2bs and so on they are not really worth the money or was it the bad sounding room?
When I read the comments here I believe nothing has changed since the last time and it is not worth investing 10K grand.
Infinitys generally do have a very large sweet spot, however, you will have sit somewhat further back till farfield radition does develop. When someone says their sweetspot is small I am wondering what these series do have in common with the "Arnie Nudell" sound.
Since I am from Europe I will wait until the AN-3s are availabe in my location and then run off the dealer for a listening session.
However, these top comments make me believe they are different from what Infinity was.
Well sitting at the Denver Airport with a 2 hour flight delay thinking about my impressions from RMAF. Looking for a midrange tower to go in a 23X15x8 foot room my top 3 speakers ended up being the ATC SCM50, Rockport Atiar, PS audio AN3 the Rockports has mids and highs that where detailed and smooth separation was great the ATC sounded very rounded big presentation organic sound and the PSaudio has the best imaging by far and the most bass reach and blended the best form up top to the bottom the mids and highs still clean and clear but not as good as the Rockports the AN3 also the cheapest out of the three the Choice is simple the PSaudio AN3 best mid sized tower for the money
consideration with out looking at price the PSaudio and Rockports are a tie I would prefer each one over the other depending on music and mood