Network streamer with hard drive

Good morning. I am looking for a network streamer that can hold a large digital music library and can replace my current DAC. I currently have a small pc running through a low end DAC via USB. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Would like the device to display the song and album art if possible. 
Does the Vault2i require Ethernet?  I have the Vault2, and use Ethernet, but I thought that the “I” series enhanced the WiFi.  Anyway, before I had Ethernet wired the house I had bad luck with power line adapters.  If the adapters have to cross on breaker, there is a 40 volt drop; 2 breakers 80, etc; a sudden drop can cause the adapters to stop working.  It also can’t be a good thing to be mixing the music and the power...
40volt drop across a breaker? what type of breaker are you using? 

A breaker is not electronic as far as needing to have a voltage to operate it. it opens when either it over heats or magnetically depends on the breaker type of course. But you should not have a voltage drop across it other then what little resistance is imposed by the wires etc. effectively a breaker is only a wire when not broken(open). 

I believe code says something like 100mili volts drop across a breaker is a bad breaker. also you should not have more then .05% drop from the input of the panel to the end of the longest run in your building so about 6volts on a 120v system. (I googled that so depends on state country etc.). 

also you would be surprised at what runs on the power lines. many control functions are there from the power company. we can transmit many different frequencies across a single cable power is only 60hz not exotic by any means. so overlapping gigahertz signal is not an issue. you could have issues with many terminations-different wire lengths that can cause issues with transmission of hi frequencies.

 lets not even get into whats induced on the power lines from every source if electro magnetism, sun included.
Thanks for the recommendations. library size is about 550gb and expected to grow. 
Aurender A10.  They pop up used for 3500    4tb hdd  Does everything and sounds very good. AKM dac so much smoother than the Lumin’s 
Fantastic Conductor app which is the best native app out there. 
check out the Powerline Adapter article from the NYT circa 2017.
I can tell you that after 2 years of having Powerline Adapters die on me every few months, I am never going that way again