"Because I live outside US, they blocked me from going into the site.
The essence of the reason was that they were not going to sell me small stuff because the object is to sell big stuff (read expensive) to local (US) market."

Hello vinowino,

     That's all we do over here, buy expensive stuff, realize it doesn't make us happy then buy different expensive stuff.  It's kind of a sickness cycle that turns into a way of life.  But it's way more fun than you'd think.
     Why don't you come on over and join us?  And remember, just buy the expensive stuff.  We're all a bit concerned about what happens if we stop buying the expensive stuff.

+1 Tim. I shudder to think what happens if we stop buying the expensive stuff.  
@ three_easy_payments, funny you should mention that.  My friend just bought a PrimaLuna from Upscale.  He's very pleased with it!
I agree with the article but there are some miscalculations in it.
For example: if you look at the # of bits per second that are read from a music file, they are around 800Kbps. 
Timing is everything when dealing with transfers of any data. If a packet of bits doesn't end up at its destination, the packet will be resent X amount of times and then sends an error. 
I used to design/tune/troubleshoot enterprise networks. In the old days with slower wired network speeds, you had many more issues of lost packets than you do today due to high lantencies. But, even today, a wireless connection can have many lost data packets over a certain period of time due to interference. Another example for tuning your network connections, try using jumbo frames, much less overhead than having your network devices divide up the data into 1500B packets. Test test test after making this change to verify if you see an improvement. If you don't, turn off jumbo packets.

CD players generate jitter and enough jitter can cause bit errors.

As for timing the dac uses, read some of Ted Smith's blogs/writings on how the DS dac handles timing.