Looking for a good full range floor stander

Hello all.  Making a good two way system for a 20 x 40x 12 high room budget 12k to 16 k.  Powered by a bryston 14b cubed amp.  Have a surround system with Golden ear ref and surrounds powered by parasound a21 for mains  and Carver cinema grand for surrounds. Like the GEs  The speakers I'm looking for will be for music only lots of jazz (female vocalist a fav), classical, classic rock and roll (70's and up).  I have heard good things about proac k6, Joseph audio, and a few others but am not within 4 hours of audition range.  Real interested in people in the know about the proac or suggestions.  Thanks in advance.
There an adjective for those BMW salespeople who curl their lip at the mention of Mercedes, Audi, etc. And that is: obnoxious.
@cleeds ,
I wouldn't say sales people were poorly educated, but my decades of experience with NYC dealers made me cringe, that is until I met John Rutan at Audioconnection.
Unfortunately, those cringe-worthy sales people seem to be alumni of another dealer whose name I prefer not to say- Much like the Wizard World not uttering Voldemort.

There's only really one name you need to know and that's Pallmann. They have a single serpentine drive and an aluminium finned German power unit. That said, if you have a smaller room this could be overkill. Remember to remove absolutely everything from the room, seal doors and windows, and  overalls, gloves and a respirator. Good luck 
Cleeds right on. 

What you have going on are people whose feelings are hurt if you dont endorse their choices or believe like they do. 

We move in and out of products if we find a better one these are all just tools we are not married to our sound systems.

As dealers we endorse our products because we believe them to be excellent and considering we sell multiple brands of loudspeakers we dont feel one is necessarily better than another but better for certain tastes and attributes.

All you guys need to cool down your negativity, the advice we gave to the OP is sound. 

As stated before there is a difference in just playing loud and filling up a very large room with sound.

Bill Dudelston of Legacy is in to displacement hence he uses 12 inch or larger woofers which have higher power handling then many of Salks designs which use  8inch woofers.

If you want to fill a big room, play loud, not overheat your amp, have headroom and not cook your drivers you need large speakers with high output and power handling.

Many of the choices given here dont fit that mold. High efficiency means less power accross the voice coil to accheive the same spl which means less chance of failure of either the amp or the drivers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
What most people dont realize is that Audiodoctor can probably carry any brand/line they want.  They carry and promote the ones they do because they clearly believe that they are the best out there.  Why is it that people don’t understand that?

If a Dealer promoted a speaker they didnt carry I would immediately ask “if its so great why dont you carry it?”