Bel canto Ref600 versus PS Audio M700

Anyone here has experience with these two? How they compare?

Quite correct; apologies. Do hope someone can make a comparison between the two amps.
Just giving this one more try. Really, these are about the two most popular Class D amps out there, no one has heard both. I have heard the Ref600 with Wilson Sasha's and thought they were excellent. 
Well having heard the Bel Canto amps and being very impressed, along with the very positive reviews of the PS M700' I would think they sound about the same. So pick the one that suits your needs better. I do realize that to keep it at about the same cost the Bel Canto amps will be purchased used (around $3K) and the PS audio amps list for $3K.
Fwiw.... I Love the S300.... Exceeded my expectations in all ways.... The M700 should be as good or better.  Disappointed in all Class D before it... Though never tried Bel Canto's offerings.