Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank

I am in the process of updating my audio equipment and have realized my interconnects are probably not up to snuff; I use the ones provided by the manufacturers.  My current set up includes a Leben cs600 amplifier, California audio lab Icon Mark II CD player, Linn Akurate Streamer, Feikert Volare Table and Spendor SP1 speakers ( in final stages of upgrade to either Audio Note E, Devore O93 or Joseph Profile).  I have been investigating interconnects and have a bit of sticker shock.  So any suggestions on interconnects that won't  bankrupt me?  Is silver truly preferable to copper with respect to resolution and detail?

I am a big fan of Kimber Kable.  They are well made.  I like them enough that I use their wire inside my speakers and could not be happier with the quality of their products and customer service.  They have a strong price/performance ratio and are my first choice.  
+4 for elizabeth, very good advise given, for the Ops question of silver vs copper again I'm with elizabeth. Spend an extravagant amount assembling silver loom (used) only to be disappointed. Back to copper. I do firmly believe that cables are system dependent and one size does not fit all. Price does not guarantee better. For example I had Transparent Ultra SCS at multi multi Benjamins only to be never wowed at all, boring, then bought some Tara labs (used) and cheap and was blown away. They are still in the system. I found Blue jeans cable very good for providing a base line and are a very acceptable cable in all configurations.  Not plugging BJC as none remain connected but they did their duty well and provided great comparison opportunity.  
I see a lot of plugs for specific brands and that's a good opinion but it's opinion of their system which differs from your system. 
Get a affordable baseline first before wasting $$$ trying to get YOUR sound via cable swapping. JMO!
Being an objectivist is merely a facade for being subjective in that belief.

Ultimate catch 22. Well played. Objectivity is no longer possible.
That was partially the intent. Some folk use objectivity as a fall back position, a crutch to use when they don't have a good or valid point with which to counter something that makes sense, like, "I hear what I hear."

The only other option is to employ ad hominen attacks questioning the person's sanity, gullibility, or ability to hear well enough. It's not quite a straw man argument and more like a mott-batte (spelling?) technique where you waylay an argument with something akin to what you're talking about but not related to the actual discussion. From there, one can redirect the discussion to a more defensible position, which at first blush, makes sense, but in actuality, has nothing to do with the topic.

All the best,

Since when are we minimizing or discounting empirical evidence? What we see, what we hear are cornerstones of the scientific method. We observe with our senses. Hel-loo!