Car Audio Upgrade

Did you upgrade your audio in your vehicle, or is it factory?  Since you wanted great sound in your house; what about your car/pickup?  I upgraded my last two trucks, but not this one...yet.
I remember years ago riding in a Porche with a guy who used to race Porches.  I will never ride with that guy again.  Scared the living poop out of me.  I think we took a curve in town at 100 mph. 
He must have been like Stirling Moss. When another racer and his wife rode with him, he scared the bejezus out the wife when he took a cloverleaf at 55mph whilst searching for a cassette in the glovebox.

I have to say, I love having music when I drive.
My current ride is a '16 Audi TTS coupe. The B & O stereo is complete garbage. The Bose in the MK2 TTS was better.
I would have my auto stereo guy work on it, but the new MK4 should be coming next year.