Car Audio Upgrade

Did you upgrade your audio in your vehicle, or is it factory?  Since you wanted great sound in your house; what about your car/pickup?  I upgraded my last two trucks, but not this one...yet.

Showing 4 responses by stttt

I do listen in the car and love quiet music to help with the stress of driving.  I used to do all the upgrades myself, but not these days.  You are correct about hard to upgrade.  Trying to get all the functionality back using wiring harnesses is awful.  I had an installer who could not get my backup camera to work.  I finally figured it out myself.  I had a bed liner sprayed on and they disconnected the tailgate wires and did not reconnect the camera.
I upgraded my Silverado 2004 and my 2014 when I purchased them, but I did not upgrade the 2018.  It's not a bad stock system, but I hope to upgrade it one day.  I usually keep a new truck for 10 years, but I broke with that this last time, as the 2014 had a V-6 and I didn't like it.  I want to upgrade this one at some point, but I need some cash first.  If I am driving down the interstate with the windows wide open, I have to turn the stereo up as far as it can go so i can hear it over the wind noise.
I remember years ago riding in a Porche with a guy who used to race Porches.  I will never ride with that guy again.  Scared the living poop out of me.  I think we took a curve in town at 100 mph.