Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?

Could you list your top 5 all time favourite sounding Tonearms and on which table. 
I get confused with so many tonearms

because it's a pointless thread!
Comparing one tonearm to another on the same turntable with the same cartridge is not easy, probably the best way is to have two identical turntables and cartridges on two different tonearms connected to the same phono stage to make such test. Still not easy to tell which one is more musical, because a cartridge and arm must be matched very well. Then it's a system dependant and we're not a reviewers. What is good for me might be not good for somebody else in his system. It's like tubes vs solid state, conventional speakers vs. full range speakers ... etc. New toneatms vs vintage tonearms and so on and on  
Trans-Fi Audio´s Terminator T3Pro - analog audio´s most ridiculous bargain, back in the business and better than ever : )
Fits all kind of cartridges, from very low compliant 10 cu (like Entré-1) to highest compliant MM´s.

As Terry says: Another great benefit is its tweak-ability. One can tweak the mass of the arm wand, the damping, and by supporting the other end of the beam, even the stability.
Time to experience something new and totally different. Time to experience today´s technology and future of analog record play.
Enjoy the ride
I've heard the Eminent Technology ET1 and 2 (but not the 2.5) on many occasions, as well as the old Rabco (ancient history), the Goldmunds, Mapleknoll, Souther, and Versa Dynamics (oh how I lusted for that table/arm!). They were all, for their time, rather expensive. If one wants to try out a linear-tracker, the TransFi Terminator is cheap enough to take a risk on.
And of the LT tonearms you named, I’d bet the TFT is not only the least cost but also the best sounding. Rabco, Goldmund, and Mapleknoll are essentially the same, IIRC.