Beginner choosing amp help

Hi guys , I’m new to the hobby and needed some advice/help picking out an integrated amp or separates.I have Martin Logan motion 40s and a sub. I am currently using a Yamaha as 801. I was thinking about upgrading if it would be worth it. I would like to gain more detail/ clarity and more dynamics if possible without being harsh/ fatiguing. I’d like to stay in the 3 k range. I listen to 60% jazz and acoustic and a little bit of everything else. Mostly stream tidal and just getting into vinyl.I’ve heard good things about Parasound Hint 6 or the separates in this combo, Hegel 190, Belles soloist , or even a Yamaha as 1100. What are your opinions on those amps and will they achieve more clarity and detail? Would the difference be significant compared to what I have now? Thanks for all of the help!
Streaming Tidal and just getting into vinyl. What are you using as digital source and where are you taking your system regarding vinyl?  There are many quality integrateds within your budget that would would prove am upgrade over the A-s801.  
Thanks for all of the responses so far. That Luxman looks pretty nice and the reviews seem to be good. As far as source for streaming I’ve just been using my laptop plugging it into the usb directly on the Yamaha. I’m a complete beginner to this so I’m sure there’s a better way  for higher quality/ better resolutionlol. As far as vinyl to be honest I’m still not too sure how far I’d like to go with it.I’m just getting into it and still in the process of experimentation with it and deciding if to my ears vinyl sounds better then the high quality and lossless audio formats that Tidal offers. It’s just vinyl seems to be so expensive new also lol. Thanks in advance for all of he feedback!
I would suggest Aurender N100H as the digital source for streaming Tidal with the Luxman.  But the Luxman does not have an internal DAC, so you would have to get an external DAC.  If you want an integrated amp with internal DAC, then I would suggest the Hegel.  Also, a good USB cable like the Curious really makes a difference.
As far as vinyl to be honest I’m still not too sure how far I’d like to go with it.I’m just getting into it and still in the process of experimentation with it and deciding if to my ears vinyl sounds better then the high quality and lossless audio formats that Tidal offers. It’s just vinyl seems to be so expensive new also lol.

Well you get what you pay for.

And- "high quality and lossless" with "Tidal" in the same sentence! Talk about LOL! LOL! Let me guess: you weren’t around for "perfect sound forever"?

The best records by the way are not necessarily the new ones. First, because almost all the great music out there is old. That just stands to reason. In any years time only a tiny fraction of music is any good. So almost all the really good music is old. Combine that with the extreme care they used to take to attain the highest sound quality. Throw in the wild card that any pressing new or old or however well recorded, to sound good on vinyl you have to find the copy that sounds good. Meaning in other words no two copies sound the same. Put it all together, a really good copy of a really good recording sounds so freaking good you cannot believe it. And most certainly you cannot come anywhere close anywhere this side of the original analog  master tape, "lossless" "perfect sound forever" notwithstanding.

But it also means a lot of vinyl is dreck. I do hope you are paying attention? Digital is not about quality. The only two things digital has going, convenience and consistency. You want to find out real fast if vinyl is worth it? Go to and buy something. Then you will know. You can always send it back. If you can stand to do without it. Once you hear what is possible you will never be the same again.

Meantime you want to be listening to tube integrateds. While you are at it be sure to listen to speakers. You need to listen to a lot of stuff because that is the only way to figure out if its better to limit yourself to an amp that can drive what you have, or upgrade speakers and amp in one fell swoop, or whatever. Reviews and comments are only very crude filters. You need to get out there and listen and compare as much as possible. Next to listening to a White Hot Stamper its the best way to spend your time.
Get an integrated amp with a nice dac and network streaming capabilities. You can find some that are roon ready and then you can just plug Ethernet in the amp and your computer can send tidal right over WiFi, into your network, and into the amps DAC.
 LUMIN M1 or something like that. I thank NAD makes one. And possibly McIntosh Ma5300