Beginner choosing amp help

Hi guys , I’m new to the hobby and needed some advice/help picking out an integrated amp or separates.I have Martin Logan motion 40s and a sub. I am currently using a Yamaha as 801. I was thinking about upgrading if it would be worth it. I would like to gain more detail/ clarity and more dynamics if possible without being harsh/ fatiguing. I’d like to stay in the 3 k range. I listen to 60% jazz and acoustic and a little bit of everything else. Mostly stream tidal and just getting into vinyl.I’ve heard good things about Parasound Hint 6 or the separates in this combo, Hegel 190, Belles soloist , or even a Yamaha as 1100. What are your opinions on those amps and will they achieve more clarity and detail? Would the difference be significant compared to what I have now? Thanks for all of the help!

Showing 4 responses by tbs

Thanks for all of the responses so far. That Luxman looks pretty nice and the reviews seem to be good. As far as source for streaming I’ve just been using my laptop plugging it into the usb directly on the Yamaha. I’m a complete beginner to this so I’m sure there’s a better way  for higher quality/ better resolutionlol. As far as vinyl to be honest I’m still not too sure how far I’d like to go with it.I’m just getting into it and still in the process of experimentation with it and deciding if to my ears vinyl sounds better then the high quality and lossless audio formats that Tidal offers. It’s just vinyl seems to be so expensive new also lol. Thanks in advance for all of he feedback!
Thanks for all of the advice so far! That Luxman does look nice especially at that deal and purchasing a separate dac isn’t a deal breaker for me. Might be a good thing given the fact that to me that would be probably be the one component that might be outdated in 5-7 years. My only concern with it as sameeyers1 suggested is the power on it and how about hooking up a sub? I spoke with the dealer and he mentioned they also sell Parasoundhint6 but that the Luxman in his opionion is better quality and delivers better performance due to the capacitator being bigger then on the hint6. The Hegel does look like a beast to say the least also. How about the Belles Soloist? No one seemed to mention anything about that. 
Hi everyone ..thanks for all of the feedback so’s a lot to think about to say the least. I’m leaning towards the Luxman and getting a separate dac with it. Do you think the 100 wats/150 in 4 ohms would be a good fit? Or would you suggest opting for something with more power like a new hint 6 or a used Hegel if I can get a good deal on one?
I just want to thank everyone for all of the advice so far . I had an opportunity to audition a few amps over the weekend. Here are my thoughts on what I’ve heard..hoping this can help get me pointed in a better direction. Hegel H160- more mellow then my Yamaha and sounded much smoother and much faster. Sounded darker as well. On certain tracks oddly enough I felt like the Yamaha had better resolution ..even though I now realize that the Yamaha is grainer sounding I still feel that  overall it’s resolution was better which is very odd to me considering the cost difference between the two. Maybe has to do with the dac on the 160 being older? I also heard a McIntosh which I thought sounded better then the Hegel and Yamaha. It was warmer, richer , and there was more detail even at lower volumes . But at 6500 it’s for sure out of my price range. I still feel like I need to hear more but this gave me a better idea of the differences between amps and a better idea of what I like. Thanks for all of the suggestions so far ..didn’t realize this would be so difficult lol.