Bel Canto Dac 3.7 in 2018?

Hi all,

I’ve come across a store demo 3.7 including the VBL for approximately 3000. Mint. Boxed, ready for sell. I know some might consider it dated due to lack of mqa, dsd, pcm, which is not available on this unit. Or perhaps the converter is dated?

Im quite content with 24/192. I’m waiting for the dust to settle on what will become the industry standard.  Mqa still seems questionable. Though promising. 

I currenty own a Bel Canto Reflink which would utilize the fiber connection for optimal SQ.  Add the VBL. It looks like a win for my needs and price. 

At the same time. There are always options, and different viewpoints. Which I would take into account. 

New or used. Would the community agree the 3.7 still holds up for 2018.  Are there similar units for the same price range that will surpass the 3.7 with the VBL. 

I lean towards seperates that has a external power source. Though I am open to a all in one unit. 

I believe Mytek can be hooked up to a separate power supply as well. Though I feel the Mytek  Brooklyn + has way too many features which could potentially impair the SQ. I’m very much into a simple UI. Clean lines. Less is more. Etc..

Thank you for your input. 


The Newer 2.7 Belcanto dac is better then the both the 3.5 and 3.7 
Dual Femto clocks , and very good power supplies, the clocks alone 
give this dac much better resolution and 124db dynamic range 
Very low noise floor.  Check it out makes sure it has a few  hundred hours on it 
and takes a long time to warm up at least 24 hours to sound at its best.
even out of stand by.
The 3.7 with the linear external power supply is perhaps a bit more refined then the 2.7 but not by much  . And $1,000s more money.

I’ve had the 3.7 for about a year now. I obtained it for 3,000. New in box. From what I gather it has performed well.

I don’t see myself selling the 3.7 anytime soon. Though I do see a tube pre amp, and a class D amp in the near future.

Interesting about the revised 2.7 - Dual Femto clocks. Nice upgrade. Though considering what I paid for the 3.7 new. Cost of a new 2.7. It pretty much averages out imo.

Bel canto has a player and 2.7 combo coming out later in the year for $3500 I have heard the 3.7 with power supply vs the 2.7  veryvery close sonicly bot 70 Femto seconds accuracy clocks whichthst is better then the majority out there ad the 2.7 has class 
A output sections ,dual verylow nose power supplies 124db 
the 3.7 126 db a hair differences , if you could wait till the fall 
thestreamer 2.7 combo is going to be a hot ticket thstcould 
do a lot and if spots fit,or Qbuz  get bigger in radio that too will 
be soft ware added. I thought the Schitt Yaggs 2 would be for sure better , nope not in my system it may have a bit better leading edge detail , micro dynamics are close layering of depth,prat 
in my system and match with my Gato amp the elcsnto is more analog like. In this hobby nothing is set in stone . Everyone linked 
a different flavor.
Yeah, @audioman58 has some really good points. Just to reiterate, I had the BC DAC3 and DAC3VB in my system for a long demo. The VBS1 is an absolute necessity if you’re getting a BC DAC -- IMHO. I’ve heard them both back to back in my system, and there is no comparison. I got to speak directly with John Stronczer about this, and he related that while in Paris he heard a battery-powered system that had sound qualities he wanted to bring to his products. IMO, he succeeded.

But, and this is a big but, I am very intrigued by the latest R2R NOS DACs on the market today. I’ll be very specific -- as good as the BC DAC3 VB was in my system, given what you’ve stated as your system preferences, I’d try a SW1X DAC. They offer a trial period, which, to me, is HUGE. Caution alert -- they do use tubes. But as it’s a DAC, they won’t need to be replaced very often. The reviews from owners are unanimously positive, and they seem to have great customer service. Unlike, unfortunately, Mytek.  Another DAC to explore would be the Metrum Pavane level 3 DAC.  If it's me, I go with the SW1X beacause the reviews are outstanding and he has the guts and confidence to offer a trial period.  

All that said, I highly doubt you'd be disappointed in the least by a BC DAC3 VB much less a 3.7 VB.  But again, I would encourage you to explore the SW1X given your sonic preferences.  Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.