PS Audio Power Plants

My music on great days sounds three dimensional with  great sound stage depth, good solid bass , and no harshness on the high end.Those few days, I may listen for hours, However most days it sounds flat with no depth and I can't listen for more that 30 minutes or so. This is not a new thing. Its been happening through all different equipment and several houses for years
Has anyone had this experience and would a PS Audio Power Plant like the P10 or P20 help?

What legs do you have in PS P10? 

I tested the TAOC and Stillpoins SS and I didn't like it. Decreased depth and air.

Now I think about VooDoo Iso-Pods or Synergistic MIG.

Took my P5 out of the system. Made it lifeless. Replaced with another mfr's device, cheaper but better sound. 

Last time I said something bad about PSA my post was deleted, we'll see this time.
Post removed 

I would like to revive this thread about PS Audio's PowerPlant AC regenerator units. May I ask if any of the long time experienced folks here have had direct experience with these units? For the whole system, or just certain components? Used on power hungry power amplifiers? Gets expensive if you have a large system, with the wattage adding up across all the pieces.

I have an older Audioprism passive AC line filter, as well as the TLP Audio/Blue Circle filters and they don’t seem to be doing much.  If I remove them and the music sounds no different, yet I understand in my area the power is not very good, there are quite a few industrial users around here.

Any recent experiences would be helpful thanks