Big Data, Big Brother

Forget privacy in this digital age. While looking online at an item on Crutchfield’s site, I called their customer service for more info. Without asking me any questions, the sales rep knew exactly which item and which webpage I was looking at. I’ve never done business with Crutchfield before - meaning they wouldn’t already have my info in their database.    If marketing software can do this, just think what black hats can do.  Pretty scary stuff.    
One of these days, it’s virtually assured, DNA will be universally used for ID purposes. I think it’s hilarious, that so many are signing up and actually paying others, to catalog their DNA profiles, family histories and backgrounds, when identity theft is rampant and privacy, a thing of the past. Your personal information, is one of the highest ticket/best selling items on the market, these days. ie: and(more nefarious):
It's like they're trying their damnedest to be telepathic, the ultimate voyeur, the peeping tom you can't get away from. 

I see why some long for days of old.

All the best,
Cell phone # is used now, the way social security # used to be used, to uniquely identify each person uniquely.  Then there's cross-referenced contacts, from each phone, matching names and phone # that all apps upload...
Re: food truck. If you paid with a CC that is probably how they got your number. If you use 2FA for the card they have your number.
Stop using phones, computers, credit cards etc. 
This is just the beginning, almost nothing yet.