Big Data, Big Brother

Forget privacy in this digital age. While looking online at an item on Crutchfield’s site, I called their customer service for more info. Without asking me any questions, the sales rep knew exactly which item and which webpage I was looking at. I’ve never done business with Crutchfield before - meaning they wouldn’t already have my info in their database.    If marketing software can do this, just think what black hats can do.  Pretty scary stuff.    

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

It's like they're trying their damnedest to be telepathic, the ultimate voyeur, the peeping tom you can't get away from. 

I see why some long for days of old.

All the best,
It's too late my friend. I've had similar experiences where I've called some place and they generally knew what I was inquiring about. It's like screen sharing without the permission. Nothing is sacred anymore.

All the best,