Fuse upgrade from factory.....

I currently have a Theta Dreadnaught 1 5x200 amplifier which uses a Buss MDA 15amp 250V fuse. My 
Preprocessor is a Primare SP32HD with a T2amp AL 250V. I want to upgrade the fuses to maybe an S.R blue/black,  Furutech, Audio Horizons, Brimar Audio. 

 I have also read to raise the fuse rating by .25 - .50amps. 

Can anyone direct me with the better choice for my two pieces......Thanks in advance.......
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 Paul McGowan of PS Audio has stated at his website that fuses do make an audible difference. I certainly heard a nice improvement upgrading the fuse in the PS Audio Direct wave Transport and also their DAC.

I have replaced the original fuses on my three different Pass Lab amplifiers with the Synergistic Research Black fuses, and in each amplifier their was a significant sonic improvement. I have since upgraded to the SR Blue fuses but there is a great price to benefit ratio with the Black fuse.
 I have tried the Isoclean, Hi-Fi, Padis, Furutech, and SR 20 fuses and all of these fuses make a small difference. The Synergistic Research Black and the Blue fuses have a much greater and better effect than these other fuses I have tried.
I have spent several hundred hours comparing fuses and the above is a simple and condensed summary.
David Pritchard
Thanks all for the suggestions. I may just try the S.R black from The CableCo. 
Don't mind koost. He's a First Watt nut job. By the way, the very same recording engineer bought a First Watt amp some time ago and said it was one of the worse sounding amps he's heard. 

All the best,
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