Pass Labs X350.5 Vs. Mark Levinson ML No. 436?

Looking for insight from folk's who experience with both amp's.
Would be connect to Theta Gen VIII and driving Dynaudio Temptation.

Thanks, Tomer

I have not heard the Pass Amps as of yet but plan to do so. So far. The 436 is the best sounding amp I've ever had in my system. I've had other great amps like Ayre V1XE but still preferred the 436

Where did you hear that Pass amps do not have good control of bass? They have one of the most realistic bass around. Just do a search on Pass amps in this forum, and read the reviews. This has been pointed out repeatedly by reviews and owners.

I had a 333 for 8 years, but traded it in for the X350.5 after the 333's capacitors blew up on me for the third time. I had paired the 333 with a pair of Thiel 3.6 at that time. I actually was more interested to upgrade my speakers than the amp at that time. After hearing the X350.5 with the Thiel 3.6, I had some second thoughts about replacing the speakers. (Currently driving a pair of Parsifal Encores)

A friend with a pair of B&W 802s came over for a listen few days after the amp arrived fresh from the factory, not even fully broken in yet. He had been using a 432 in his system. He went home, put his 432 on Audiogon, and bought an X350.5 that weekend. He is currently using a pair of Dynaudio C4. The guy is a big time trader on Audigon. Everything in his system has changed in the past 2 years except the X350.5, so I guess that speaks something about the Pass. I know he was tweaking his C4s for quite a while. It seems finicky regarding placement. It may just be due to his listening area.


tell me more about the power specs on the ML No. 436 amp.

Happy Listening!