Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Man, those are some really, really good prices.

Walsh 100 walnut cabinets with new Walsh 2000 drivers.....................Regularly $2800 Now $1900

Hmmmm, when I had my 100's, I thought John said that they wouldn't take any of the X000-series drivers due to size incompatibilities....
"Hmmmm, when I had my 100's, I thought John said that they wouldn't take any of the X000-series drivers due to size incompatibilities...."

Most likely he had not adapted the new drivers to that particular cabinet yet. Over time, he seems to work out how to adapt the newer drivers to as many old cabinets as possible, thereby providing the most potential upgrade paths possible. I do not think he would advertise or sell a new driver on an old cabinet until the combo can be tuned properly. Just plopping a new driver on an old cabinet would not be an optimized solution in that each cabinet's acoustics are different. Eventually, these get published to the web site at which point I suppose they become a formal product upgrade option.

A significant part of OHMs business is providing upgrades to older units, which both helps keep costs to current owners low and helps keep the customer base intact. If teh upgrade is not published on the web site, then its availability would not be assured.
Its a yearly summer promotion it seems. I took advantage a few years back to get my F5's. Worked out swimmingly.....
BTW, with the promotion sale price + 40% max discount for trading in two pair of old OHMs (my old Walsh 2s and a pair of C2s I picked up on ebay for about $130 in order to get $700 trade-in value) the F5s ended up costing me $2400 + the cost of the C2s plus the cost of shipping 2 pair of speakers to OHM for the trade-in. Good deal!