Electrostat - M-L; Quad or Soundlab - reliable

Looking for the best electrostat that is reliable. Seems as Soundlab sounds the best performed, but is the most unreliable; Quad is second best performer - very safe - easiest to resell but also unreliable. M-L third, but maybe the most reliable.

Is the reliability issue due to people playing "Pink Floyd at 100 dB" or is reliability also an issue for us 80 to 85 dB people?
Reliability is a valid concern, addressed well by some who have posted to this thread. I suggest that something which should be at least as important is performance. If you aren't delighted with the sound day after day, year after year, you might have the most reliable speaker but not want to listen, and that would be a pity. Follow your ears.
I'll support the Acoustats too. Mine are modified Spectra 44. The panels themselves are very, very reliable. For those who think they have no resolution, I'll say better parts in the interfaces will heavily modernize their sound.
I'll throw in another vote for Soundlab reliability. Mine are the latest PX panels and they have never had an issue.
To follow on Brian's comment - I've listened to Quads, Martin Logans, Innersound and Soundlabs. To my ears, the nicest ones to listen to were the Soundlabs by far. Once you have heard them all I think the decision is pretty easy to make.
I will go along with that 100% Rick_hopkins;I am a soundlab m2 owner no issues to report,bias is checked on a regular basis and they are not power up when not being used.