Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Ozzy, thanks for the time and effort you put into your last post on the E-Mat, very thorough and well written!
oregonpapa, 68pete, lak,

Thank you, though I think the mat does provide (about 5%) improvement the price is pretty high for that amount of improvement. However, with my system, that 5% is quite noticeable.

I have read so many posters including Tim that say the mat improves with more extended use. I’m not really sure how that can be. But, I have been wrong and amazed before so I will continue with an open mind.

  @ozzy   Only 5%.  Well I guess it is system dependent because I would say I have about 20%(just a rough estimate),  but the gains in soundstage bass and overall relaxation of the music has been better then some pretty expensive power cord upgrades.  Also someone mentioned that the mat adds emotion to the music and I could not agree more.  Much more toe tapping and enjoyment of music.  And yes mine has improved over the days since I added it.  I would say the impact of the mat may be greater then the impact of total contact,  which is kind of unbelievable.
The combination of Total Contact and the Omega E Mats is stunning. 

Ozzy ... did you remove all of your Bybee devises as suggested? The reason I ask is, either your 5% estimate is way too conservative, or there is something interfering with the mat's ability to work as advertised. 


To me 5% is quite a bit. The Omega mat is not equal to a component upgrade/change but it does add to my enjoyment. Could I live without it? Sure, but I would prefer to keep it.
Perhaps if I had more of them to work with my estimate would change. However so would the cost. In my perspective, if 5 of them are needed to improve the sound substantially then for that $3000 I would first consider a component upgrade, or perhaps the SR active grounding block.


I removed the Bybee’s that were at the circuit breaker box that I replaced with the Omega mat. I did not remove all of the rest of the Bybee’s throughout my system. Again, if I had more mats then I would replace the Bybee’s.
