Blue Ray Quality with a 1080i / 720p HDTV?

As I understand it the new Blue Ray system is based on 1080p for its advancement in picture quality.

I have a few years old Sony 60" LCD that outputs 1080i or 720p ,but, NOT 1080p.
I should state that the picture quality with my present equipment with Hi Def sources is great.

I am sort of interested in a Blue Ray player. The Player cost seem reasonable, but I am still on the fence about the cost of the Blue Ray discs.

I have never received a straight answer as to the video improvement with my present equipment using a Blue Ray player and Blue Ray discs from the adolescences who work at the local Electronics stores.

So, here are the 2 questions...

1. Will there be any Video improvement with using a Blue Ray player and Blue Ray discs with equipment that cannot output 1080 P?

2. If there is an improvement is it 90% 50 % 25% or whatever?

Why dont you buy a player from your local Costco and try it out for yourself and see if you like or not. I am sure you will keep it. I have a Pioneer Elite 1080i and it looks great w/ Blue Ray movies.

Does your TV look better on say the Discovery channel HD vd regular?

I bet it does.

Now consider that blu-ray has far less compression to the video signal (audio too but that is another issue) and you will quickly see that yes, you will see an improvement, at least on par with the example I gave you, and actually a bit better.

As for the second question, compare it yourself and see, for me it's a huge difference and worth every cent.
The answer is, yes. My screen is 720P and nothing looks as good as Blu Ray. upconverted DVDs might be nice but it does not beat Blu Ray.

Think os it this way.

Would you rather be upconverting from stnadard DVD 480P to 720P or downconverting from 1080P to 720P?

For the answer is ...clear.
I would say the improvement feels about 25%. The quality of the movie still counts as much as anything. Blade Runner on Blu-ray is absolutely outsanding compared to DVD but that is not true of all re-releases on BD. For example, Cars is pretty good on ordinary DVD already.
Thanks for the responses.
These reponses seem to agree with what I thought would be the case.
That is ,that even with a HDTV that cannot output 1080p the source material from a Blue Ray player and Blue Ray disc is superior to the standard DVD which enables an improvement.
The clerks at the Electronic Department stores kept saying there would be no improvement over standard DVD with a 720p HDTV.

I do understand that it would depend on the actual mastering of the Blue Ray disc itself.

Now, if I could only convince myself that $25+ for a Blue Ray disc is a good price....