Looking for a high end integrated to suit Dynaudio contour 5.4's

Hi All

I am looking to move to an integrated amp to drive my Contours.  Dyns look to respond well to amps that are high current as I have had a Griffen Diablo connected into my system and there was a massive difference in the performance of my Dyns.  While I would love a Griffen its pricey so I am looking for an alternative.  At this stage I have been considering a Pass Labs INT-250, Audia Flight FLS-10, Vitus R-101 and Griffen Diablo 300.

Does anyone out there have any of these speaker/amplifier combinations or other suggestions around amplification for the Contours?

In my study/office, I'm running a B100SST, the precursor to the B135, with  an ancient pair of AR-3A speakers, CD player and FM tuner. Very satisfied. 
@jackd The trilogy is a nice looking Amp, have you tried it in concjunction with Dyn speakers?
Have you ever considered Naim Supernait 2. Very clean, neutral and realistic sounding integrated amp. Pairs perfectly with my Sonus Faber Amati Futura.