Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Hi, anyone have one of these amps shut down for overheating? Do they have thermal protection circuits? Mine cut out--was pretty hot. Let it cool down and it came back on. Driving Elac Uni-fi UB5 speakers--4 ohm. Very little info about these amps online. Are they okay with 4 ohm speakers?
Haven’t had any issues with mine playing 4-6 hrs at a time, actually gets only mildly warm, but I’m running 8 Ohm speakers.
Even the Job 225 on which this amp is based does not like speakers that dip below 4 ohms. The problem is the speaker not the amp. Elac recommends amps with 140 wpc and 4 ohm stable.  That is the problem with these "marvel" Elac speakers and before them the Pioneers that Andrew created.  The speakers themselves are cheap but the amplifier requirements are not.  
I run Salk SongTowers which are 4/6 ohms...can run all day without issue...have never found any ratings or measurements for STA200 except 8 ohms...
Thanks. I suspect it's the speakers. No problems with a Cambridge CXA 80 driving them but the Nuforce runs pretty hot. I also have it in a cabinet without enough ventilation and was really running it when it happened.  Going to add ventilation and swap in some 8ohm speakers and see how it runs.

The Elacs do sound really good, esp. since I got them on sale for $350.  Maybe I'll buy another amp and run two :)