Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you
I think speaker break-in happens at 2 places. First the caps need some time to hit peak efficiency, and the other thing is the driver surrounds need to flex more to loosen up. With all those drivers involved I would think that is an important thing to consider.
Unfortunately, engineers, especially the ones who graduated just from college, only believe in what they can measure on the scope.  Break in as far as speakers are concerned is real, just like an old worn leather shoe feels much more comfortable than than a new one. The suspension of the the speaker driver including the surround and spider need to loosen up.  Almost all speakers I've ever owned in the past 30+ years showed a dramatic improvement in sound after break in period.

I agree. 
I was surprised by the Carver employee taking such a hard line on the subject. Even Bob does not believe wire or caps break in but he feels speakers do.
But I sure do...

IME, 25 year olds barely know where their wieners are much less anything else.  My speakers are older than him, and they sounded like crap when I first got them to the point that I almost returned them.  My speakers are 2-way towers and took about 400 hours to settle in and over 100 hours before I could even begin to enjoy listening to them.  How many drivers do your speakers have???  Give it some time Bro.