Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you

Showing 10 responses by koestner

I heard I heard them at RMAF and was very impressed! They compared to the plus 50-100k speakers in some other rooms. I love a large room filling sound, and these do it. I would get them, but I already have large room filling sounding speakers.
If you are very serious, Carver will pay for your flight and hotel stay. This is true, as they would rather have you hear them properly set up instead of at some dealership where they only hope they’re correct. Instead of selling them for less to a dealer, they would rather pay for your travel. You only need to agree that you are ready to buy if you like them. No tire kicking.
Did you take them up on the invite?Don't tell me you didn't qualify as a possible purchaser :-)
While we don't know each other, for a long time we have been interested in similar, if not the same hi-fi gear. I have heard the Carver speakers and if you like a large presentation, you're gonna love these. Did you get the subwoofer with them as well?
Really, your subs are great! You are set. All that with the DEQX system blending it together will be fantastic. Ozzy, what state are you in?
Shucks, I live in Florida. If we was a lot closer, I would come over at all hours of the day and night to listen to your system.

Your speakers are probably sitting at the nearest R&L place. They are waiting for other things to be delivered near you. I had this happen many years ago. I ordered two Larger VMPS subs and they sat there 15 miles from my home. The carrier told me they didn't know when they would get them to me. I asked if I could pick them up and they were very happy to have that happen. A friend and I got them in a truck the next day. Now I'm not saying you should go get them, but find out where they are. Chances are they are close.
But it's not just R&L. In my story I don't remember the trucking company, but it was clear they won't send the truck to my house unless there is other stuff in my area to be delivered. This isn't UPS or FedEx where there is always lots of stuff to be delivered in your area every day. I think it sucks, but the dispatcher would be fired if they went back and forth with each delivery everyday.
I think speaker break-in happens at 2 places. First the caps need some time to hit peak efficiency, and the other thing is the driver surrounds need to flex more to loosen up. With all those drivers involved I would think that is an important thing to consider.
Great job on the DEQX investigation! Since your past speakers were of higher efficiency others might have just settled that the Carvers need too much power, and sent them back. Smart move on the fuses as well. Complicated setups take time to optimize, and your knowledge/familiarity with you system is essential. I'll bet I can almost hear it from Florida now.