CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
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Sold my TT and vinyl record collection 34 years ago and went full into CDs. Very happy at the time, then in 2017 I decided it was time to get back into vinyl (Michell GyroDec, SME IV, Clearaudio Maestro Ebony V2, McIntosh C50, McIntosh MC275 mk VI and Gale GS401A speakers), see my previous post on this system ( ). To cut a long story short, I am absolutely thrilled to be back into vinyl and having fun with HiFi all over again, as if I was back in my teens and starting the HiFi journey afresh (I am now fast approaching 64). Which format sounds better? They can both sound wonderful/spectacular; just different. Analog definitely does not sound like digital and vice versa; I personally love both formats. However, must admit the process of taking an LP out of the sleeve, placing it on the TT and queuing up the arm is definitely enticing to me. Whereas placing a CD in the player is pretty boring.

As a side issue, the best audio system I have ever heard was a Magico Q7 and Solution electronics system playing regular Red Book CDs at Chatttelin Audio in The Hague ( ). Never have I heard a system remotely as good as this, and demonstrated using regular CDs!
While I have vinyl, cd and a digital music server, I prefer digital simply because I am too lazy to play many records.
Either. As long as I do not listen to the other format soon afterwards. Then I start thinking of differences.
I had vinyl from 79' to 83' then happily went to CDs and have never looked back.  I have listened to many systems with both formats and agree, with most people in this post, that both can sound amazing.  Over the past two years I have migrated to almost entirely listening to streaming music from Spotify.  So much easier that even playing a CD and you have virtuly anything ever recorded with a few keystrocks.