Any real sonic improvement using 2 or 3 belts on VPI tables?

Simple question. I have a Classic table running with a single drive belt and see the Avenger using as many as 3. Anyone care to comment?

 I have a TNT three and I found the best improvement by far was to go to dental floss.  I found the belts to degrade the sound so I would have a tough time understanding how more could be better. 
My understanding is that different levels of the Classic pulley have slightly different diameters.  
I did have a scout several years ago and tried the floss. The platter was much lighter. I have not tried it on my Classic. 

I am interested in the 3 belt because I am going to build a table and wonder if 3 belts is worth the effort?
VPI pulleys have different levels (speeds) built into the slight conical shape so it makes zero sense to use more than one belt; they will fight one another with increased friction. I have an Aries 2. I would like to try floss though, that sounds interesting.