Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp now, driving Harbeth M40.1's.
I like the sound, but am considering upgrading to something more powerful and with greater finesse.
I have had solid state gear in the past and have always come back to tubes, so I think I want to stay with tubes.
I would like to get a stereo amp (no monoblocks) and match it to a very nice preamp.
I have been considering Balanced Audio Technology gear but beyond that I really don't know.
For my budget, I would prefer not to go over $10K total for both components.
I am in no hurry to make this change, just thinking and doing research right now.  I am willing to take more than a year to decide if necessary.  
Please give me your suggestions.
Uberwalt if you read auxinputs post you would know why I said BAT is not dark. 
Allnic  makes a couple of tube integrated amps. One I believe is the T-2000 now with k150 tubes about 100 watts. Very nice gear.
I’m doing the same. From integrated to separates. I made the decision to go with a company who makes all of it. I’m going Odyssey.

My stereo Khartago should ship any day now. I added a bunch of upgrades and next year I’ll save and upgrade further. Later this year I’ll order Candela (tube preamp). Then Suspiro (phono preamp).

Things to know: you must order by phone (Klaus will ask questions to assess your needs). 20 year warranty. Upgradeable! Dude is monumentally busy and doesn’t advertise. Only hits the major audio shows and that’s it.


Dew it. Dew it.
Went from Odyssey Stratos Extreme and Upgraded Jolida Fusion Preamp to the Lyngdorf 2170 about a month ago. Odyssey is nice stuff IMO. In my system the Lyngdorf handily beats beats them. If I had less efficient speakers it may not be the case. Odyssey stuff can drive some tough loads. 
The Luxman Cl38U-SE w/a Prima Luna Dialogue HP amp would put you at the 10K mark. The Luxman has an outstanding phono w/4 steps up transformers. 2 for MC High nd 2 for MC low carts. Also has tone controls and a mono switch.