Tube integrated

I am interesting in buying a tube integrated. I think my budget is around 3K - 5K range (new/demo/used) is fine. But I do want to get a decent one. The options are too many...but I do have some criteria.

1) Has to be aesthetically pleasing (which takes out the Primaluna stuff for now, else I’d consider them)
2) Push-pull Class A/B, I like to keep my electronics on always, and I am environmentally conscious, so I don’t want to just drain power with a Class A (Octave’s eco mode is very interesting in this regard)
3) Has to be at or above 30 WPC to drive my speakers as per their recommendation
4) Biasing has to be easy (auto is best, but manual bias with integrated meter is fine)
5) Prefer KT150/120/88 based stuff (I’m flexible here, just want KT150 if possible)
6) Prefer less noise, so high SnR like 90 or above
7) Volume control should be high quality, like stepped attenuattor
8) At least one XLR input

Don’t need phono/dac input, doesn’t have to be single ended (by default).

With that said, I think I like the Octave V70SE, V80SE, they fit the bill but above budget new. Really wanna check out the Lyric 140. I think these may be doable with the 5K (maybe a bit more) budget and demo/used condition.

What other options are out there?
I agree primaluna has everything you’re asking for. Trouble free tube rolling because of the autobiasing circuit, protection circuitry, integrated, its in your price range, Dialogue premium hp is 70 W with el34. Quality made Huge power transformers. Prima Luna is a Dutch company. Although, they use the Cayin factory in China for assembly with strict monitoring.

Ditch the cage if you don’t like it. It won’t fit on anyway with some larger tubes. I’ve had mine for a year and am still discovering new things about my music collection. I didn’t like the look at first either but it grew on me because of the sound.

Also, most people will tell you never leave a tube amp on 24/7. Leave it on for the day and power down at night when you retire or when you leave home. It’s not best to cycle on and off at free random but the wear on the tubes a couple times a day isn’t worth bricking your transformers, amp, speakers,!
I would also agree with the others that are recommending The Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated.
Suggest you take a look at the Unison S6 which was Stereophile "Class A" and has received nothing but 5* reviews (check online).  Based on my listening it is on a different level from any of the "usual suspects" (e..g., Cayin, Prima Luna, Jolida, etc.) and is more musical than any push-pull integrated amp I've heard.  With the new Sophia blue EL-34 ST tubes (Sylvania long black plate or Amperex or Mullard long plate 12AX7's) it is a revelation and I am off the merry-go-round. 
Excellent suggestion, I was looking for somewhat boutique exotic stuff, the S6 or the Sinfonia seem great looking and around the power I'd need. And reasonably priced.
During my search I've also come across Rogers EHF 100 and 200. The 200 uses KT150s but is out of range but I do see EHF 100s popping up now and then.  Any thoughts on these? Not a huge fan of the looks but fair enough, can't have it all.

@wolf_garcia  did mention them. Any thoughts from owners? They seem to be made very well.