What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
Sorry, but I don't think Nisi was out of line at all. His post was respectful, gave Mike the benefit of the doubt, but expressed concern over something he has every right to be concerned about. I did not find it to be "knee jerk" or a "gut reaction". He attempted to use the appropriate channels of communication for (what I consider) an excessive amount of time. Only then did he take his issue public. Good for him.

If you can run a company where 1-week (or over 2-week) turn-around time on customer support is acceptable...then hats off to you. However, the premium paid for product like Talon speakers is not just for the product itself, but for other tangibles and intangibles - customer service being but one of them.
My post was neithed knee jerk not was it impulsive. I beleive that I was more than patient given the circumstances. It is my opinion that if they had the time to deposit and cash my check then they should have been able to take appropriate steps to have the speaker shipped. At the very least, an email or phone call notifying me that they received payment and that the speaker would be shipped soon thereafter. I can understand that a small company faces many challenges in doing business and that shipping delays are to be expected. However, the lack of communication was of more concern to me.

Also, it seems I may be back in the same situation. After receiving a message on Friday, I have attempted to call Mike several times. I even sent him an email thanking him for his message. As of today, Tuesday, I still have not heard from him. Is the speaker shipped like he said he would in the message? I don't know because it seems near impossible to get a hold of anyone. That was my point.

I'm curious if the same would hold true if I called and specified I wanted to spend $50,000 on some speakers and that I needed them ASAP. I don't know.

One last thing and then I would like to consider this topic closed. Most of the equipment that I own is from small companies. One of the reasons that I prefer small companies is that I've found their service to be top notch. I am very, very happy with my Talon speakers. They sound amazing and I hope to be a part of the Talon family for a long time to come. I'm hoping that this incident is an isolated one and I'll leave it at that. Even great companies have problems every now and then and perhaps that was the case here. If there are other small companies that are reading this, I respectfully suggest that you do your best to respond to your customer's correspondance.

I will post a follow up once I get my speaker.


Check cashed on the 2nd.

Posted public complaint on the 11th.

Drafting formal complaint/threats letter to be mailed right away, also on the 11th.

Hmmm, 2nd to the 11th, 6 whole working days later?? Yeah, thats knee jerk!

I'm impatient too but... Scheesch!

Also, they may have wanted your CHECK TO CLEAR!
Again, forget Talon for a second.

Just keep in mind that ONE negative posting can be VERY hurtful to a small company while ten or more positive postings may still not be enough to generate a sale.

Considering the huge volume of great speakers out there, we are actively looking for reasons to cross a speaker manufacturer off of our short list when in the market for a new pair of speakers.

If a posting even suggests something negative about a manufacturer, distributor or retail store I can 100% guarantee you that there will be at least one person whose purchasing decision will be changed by that posting.

All I am saying is to be careful about our negative postings and give adaquate time to remedy the situation before posting ANYTHING. If you feel the nejed to post something to "Warn" potential buyers, then wait until the entire scenario has resolved itself and then post the whole story, including the way the company, store, etc. handled the solution.

As we all know, the times that problems exist is usually the opportunity to let the manufacturer, dealer, etc. shine and truly show their support. Half a story is worthless and usually only hurtful.
