What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.

Showing 8 responses by mattnshilp


You should be a bit more careful with your postings. I understand that you were abit concerned, but E-mails like yours have literally killed a company! Especially one going through some changes like Talon is.

The internet has become a posting board for gut reactions and knee jerk responses with no filter or lag time built in. A first reaction is usually inaccurate and an impule response is ALWAYS harmful.

You have now posted an E-mail on this site which will be picked up by every single person who is interested in buying a pair of Talons and uses Audiogon as a source of information; which for a small high end speaker like Talon is pretty much EVERY customer. If all they read is your first posting (and even if they read both) then you have done a great disservice to Mike and his company.

I know "freedom of speach" and all, but lets all be a bit more careful with our gut reactions. Small companies don't run like IBM and can't afford customer service like BUY.COM. Hell, my small store (and, NO, I don't sell Talon) is only open one day a week - and customers have to wait until the following week to get a response to their messages.

Forget Talon for a second. Let's just be more careful with our postings guys.

Again, forget Talon for a second.

Just keep in mind that ONE negative posting can be VERY hurtful to a small company while ten or more positive postings may still not be enough to generate a sale.

Considering the huge volume of great speakers out there, we are actively looking for reasons to cross a speaker manufacturer off of our short list when in the market for a new pair of speakers.

If a posting even suggests something negative about a manufacturer, distributor or retail store I can 100% guarantee you that there will be at least one person whose purchasing decision will be changed by that posting.

All I am saying is to be careful about our negative postings and give adaquate time to remedy the situation before posting ANYTHING. If you feel the nejed to post something to "Warn" potential buyers, then wait until the entire scenario has resolved itself and then post the whole story, including the way the company, store, etc. handled the solution.

As we all know, the times that problems exist is usually the opportunity to let the manufacturer, dealer, etc. shine and truly show their support. Half a story is worthless and usually only hurtful.

Thank you, Opalchip, for supporting my comments.

YOU, yourself, state that there are RUMORS floating around the web! None of them founded in reality or fact. Hurtful rumors that are totally untrue if you actually go to the source and ask.

I'd like to start a rumor that you actually hate jewish people (just an example, I AM Jewish so I figure it was a safe example). I can guarantee you that someone will believe it and the rumor mill begins. Then someone else will accuse you of being an antisemite when you make a comment about liking bagels or something.

The internet is dangerous. Rumors go unchecked and strengthened. In this case, Mike of Talon didn't even know this thread existed until I told him about it. So we are all sitting here discussing the stability of his company as if we are stock holders and NONE of us has a damned bit of an idea as to what is actually going on!!!!

And FYI Nvlashi, Nrenter and Opalchip.... Mike was on holiday with his kids for the past two weekss or so and the company was pretty much closed other then production during that time, as far as I understand. Again, not 100% confirmed, but that's what Mike implied in a brief E-mail I just got from him.

So I have an idea everyone. Let's get back to talking about how good Mike's speakers are and how hard he is trying to provide us all with the most amazing product he can within the confines of a limited budget (whatever budget it may be). AND let's stop making up stories and complaining about crap because we are immature, inpatient and trigger happy to judge and post hurtful remarks as soon as the opportunity arrises.

There are jobs at many throw away newspapers across the country for people like that. They usually have headlines like," Boy has sex with girl for lunch and then eats her for dinner!" or "Elvis lives in my refrigerator!"
I absolutely agree Jdcrox. No arguement there. And a simple message would have avoided this whole issue.

But I still stand on my statement that I think the posting was and will be far more hurtful then the 10 days or so the person had to wait for a response. Mike doesn't deserve to have negative postings about his companies stability and then panic postings saying,"Well, since I had read that the ocmpany was in trouble I got concerned."

The REAL truth is, if this thread had never been started then poor Nvlashi would never have been concerned about the companies stability and would never had reacted to the delay in his response and would never had posted the note he did...

Think about it!


Thanks for the update. I was not berating you. it's just that I have actually seen two companies fold indirectly due to rumors and hearsay (totally untrue mind you) that were started on this very Audiogon posting site. Not completely due to it, but as a result of the comments and concerns posted, his sales dropped precipitously within 4 weeks of the postings and the thread that followed.

I totally agree that Mike needs to fine tune things a bit, and I'm sure he will - especially after thsi little incident.

But for now let's get back to talking about Talon speakers....

It sounds like your system is going to be pretty sensational. Have you spoken to Mike about designing a bipolar speaker for on-wall rear mounting situations. It seams as if many people are starting to use a full 5.1 or 7.1 Talon system and that would make a nice addition... Let us know how it sounds when it's all up and running. And what equipment are you driving it all with? One monster multi-channel amp or separates?

Thank you for that poinyent and intelligent addition. And thank you for proving my point even further. It's the people who AREN'T posting and are just reading in silence that absord this crap like an alcoholic drinks Coltrain.

This is getting nowhere. For those of you who feel the need, my point is going unheard. Please continue to post unfounded rumors and hearsay until the only companies that can survive are the huge giants. And then let's all pay their outrageous prices instead of thanking the little guy for offering high quality product for a reasonable price.

I own a full Aerial Acoustic surround set-up (10T's up front, CC3 center and SR3 surrounds ) and am VERY happy with it. I have always thought the SR3 surrounds did an excellent job of doing what they do. But my room has the necessary rear wall to provide adaquate rear reflections to make the dipoles do what they are supposed to. My two channel system is totally separate.

I own a custom home theater company and frequently encounter rooms that are not amenable to bipoles (which really require very specific room geometry to work to their greatest effect). The best choice IMHO is a direct radiator placed approximately 2-4 feet behind the listening position facing either backwards if there is something to bounce off of or straight out into the room; not pointing at the listener. The goal of a surround is to provide NON-point specific dispersion - that's why dipoles are ideal.

I have found these techniques work rather well for home theater. If, however, you are doing this for SACD/DVD-A multi-channel recordings then a complete direct radiating system is better suited to reproduce the surround channels. Of course, if you are doing an SACD/DVD-A surround system for multi-channel recorded music only, then the speakers themselves need to be placed in a different positions altogether...

if you want to draw out your room and scan or digi-photo it and E-mail it to me, I'd be glad to help as best I can. Just E-mail it to me and I'll see if I can make any suggesitons.

Bye the way, I am not trying to talk you out of the Ravens as they are an amazingly good choice for your needs. And if you already have Talon mains then your best bet is to match everything up Talon with the mains...


PS- Isn't it more fun talking about this kind of stuff? :-)
I E-mailed Mike regarding an order that I have pending and mentioned your name and your unhappy posting. Hopefully he will respond.

I know he's not great about answering voice mail messages left on his # at the office. Try E-mail maybe...
