Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?

are there any owners out here. setup tips , wire, amps. thanks Greg
The main thing about the VLR's is that they need to be as close to the wall as possible. They also work surprisingly well in a bookcase.

I used Audioquest Rocket 88 speaker cables with mine. They need an amp with good drive as well. I had good luck with the Belles Aria Integrated amplifier and also with a Peachtree nova 220SE.

Good Luck, for the money they are hard to beat.
thanks Joey54, i plan on using these in my bed you system, for now i will use them with my main rig down stairs, schiit audio Freya, vidar mono blocks , Vandersteen 2wq two of them. i will pull them away from the wall to see how they do as well. Greg
(((I will pull them away from the wall to see how they do as well. Greg)))

 If you can read the manual as Joey was trying to tell you
((((The main thing about the VLR's is that they need to be as close to the wall as possible)))).
they need the wall
 for proper power response.
 This is there intended design position,
 Up against the wall and straight out no toe in.
 Try and make a triangle with you at or 1,25 out of it.
 AQ wire works
 Best JohnnyR
the toe in advice also important, but how cool that you can experiment.....

IF ( probably more accurately when ) I get a third pair of Vandersteen, will most likely be VLR

find me a small box that is flat to like 47 HZ that size that can also image...ha

big fun