Transparent Musicwave Super speaker cables, 12 ft length

Anyone heard of these? A pair came with an Anthem P5 I just purchased. Another question I have, they’re too long and I hate to make them shorter. Could I coil them so I don’t have to cut them? Otherwise, I can’t use them. They will replace Audioquest Type II cables.
The Transparent came with the Anthem P5 as I purchased it used. Got a heck of a deal since the Transparent Music Wave cables were $1,700 new. AQ cables are about as good as any when you get higher up the food chain.
Oldschool, If I were you, I would put on a set of AQ cables.
I tried the Transparent, and spent way too much on having them upgraded to the latest iteration. They were good, but the AQ really seem more alive, and these are a pair of old Rockefeller cables I bought on the cheap.
I had John Rutan make a set of true biwire GO-4, but haven't installed them yet as I'm letting my new amps settle in.
gdnrbob, It’s a good thing you aren’t me as I’m very happy with my current set-up. I assure you, if I ever decide to upgrade from these, which I doubt can be done under a couple large ones, I’ll let you know so you can buy them from me for a song.
All kidding aside, what I have is far batter than what I ever thought I'd ever have. Patience, the used audio price depression, and some luck being looking at the right places at the right time, has been very good to me.
Yes this HT hobby is a sickness if you let it get away from you. It’s like race cars, performance increase is an exponential equation of cost. Sometimes you gotta spend dead presidents on other toys. In my case, custom choppers and women while I still can!

Much Thanks! for the update- oldschool1

you own a very nice system, cabling. Keep writing about your thoughts, impressions regarding your system.

Happy Listening!