AT-PL120 Turntable pivot-spindle distance length.

Thanks in advance.
I need the Audio Technica AT-PL120 Turntable tonearm pivot-spindle distance length in order to use my new Dr. Feickert alignment tool. I've written to Audio Technica the following e-mail, with no response from them. I'd appreciate if anybody could give me this specification.
Thanks, Charlie

I am the owner of the Audio-Technica AT-PL120 Turntable, and I need a specification for it's tone arm that is not found in the manual.
I recently purchased the $ 250.00 DR. Feickert Analogue Protractor, and the alignment procedure calls for the pivot-spindle distance length of the tone arm, specifically as given by the manufacturer of your turntable/tonearm. Here is a direct quote from the instruction manual:
"Please put the template on the platter and put the liner on the template. Carefully press the liner with the adjust pin into the hole that Corresponds With..."
( information that I need ) : "...The Pivot-Spindle Distance Given By The Manufacturer Of Your Tonearm (i.e. Abstände von 200-235 mm for a REGA [222 mm])."
Here is the DR. Feickert web site link that has the above quote in greater context and depth, along with illustrative diagrams:

So, just to reiterate, the information that I need in order to use this expensive tonearm/cartridge alignment tool, is "The Pivot-Spindle Distance Given By The Manufacturer Of Your Tonearm (i.e. Abstände von 200-235 mm for a REGA [222 mm])."

Many Thanks! :)